Hello, I am Fatema Tuz Sultana

User-focused and sales-oriented Product Designer with over 7 years of experience.

More About Me

Product Enthusiast • UI/UX Designer • Expertise in Design System and SaaS

I am a self-starter and I love to connect design with real life. Not only do I create good-looking visuals, I also bring design experience to building products that follow WCAG guidelines. With product strategy in mind, high-fidelity wireframes have always been central to my design vision. Although my background is EEE, I started my career as a UI designer in 2017 and during that time, I became very enthusiastic about UX design. I found having product knowledge requires knowing about UX. Because UX is connected to technology, business, and psychology.


NFTs App UI Kit

UI Kit for UI8 marketplace | 200+ Screens | Light and Dark Mode | Available for Figma

Techmart - Ecommerce Store

E-commerce website where people can buy gadgets and get product reviews from blog posts.

skitto-Digital Product

skitto is an MVNO digital product that’s especially designed for a data hungry, digitally savvy generation.

bdtickets - Mobile App

Online booking portal which allows you to purchase ticket for various bus services.

✦ Product Design ✦ Visual Design ✦ UI/UX Design ✦ Branding ✦ UX Design ✦ UX Research ✦ Mobile Application Design ✦ Dashboard Design ✦ iOS Application Design ✦ Website Design ✦ Social Media Branding ✦ Branding ✦ Logo Design ✦ Branding

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© 2025, Fatema Tuz Sultana